Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting Closer ...

After my last outing in dry but near-freezing weather, I pledged I would not ride again until the temperature broke 50 degrees. Today, it came close. It was mostly sunny and 47 degrees, according to a bank's LED sign - but we all know how accurate those things are, right?

During my travels in my work van, I saw two bikes on the road, and one bike parked in front of a house. Two out of the three bikes were Harleys, and both Harleys were baggers (Road Kings, I believe), including one ridden by a member of a firefighter M/C, who was evidently enjoying his day off.

I got home around 4 p.m. and was tempted to take my bike out, but a promise is a promise - even if it's only to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Well Ken welcome to the two wheeled world. And may God bless you in it. There are many many brothers and sisters who have changed their lives here and you are one of them. I do not have a blog (lazy). But everyone here is a brother or sister and we all enjoy the same thing and yes a lot of us follow our Lord. So keep in touch and come back often.
