Our Romans 8 Riders chapter president, Michael "Spike" Ludwig (pictured on the left), has been one of my closest friends among my CMA brothers and sisters. He has helped me grow both as a biker and as a Christian, and is always there with an encouraging word or helpful advice.
When I mentioned a couple months ago that I was outgrowing my Yamaha Virago, Spike was quick to agree. When I added that I wanted my second bike to be a Harley, Spike, who rides an Electra Glide, was even more enthusiastic:
"I think it's time for you to step into a 'biker' bike, now that you have some experience riding," he wrote in an email.
I told Spike I'm looking for a used Sportster between $4,000 and $5,000, so he has been on the lookout for me, and sends me emails with links to potential deals he finds online.
We agree that I would be much better off with a 1200 Sporty, instead of the 883, which is sometimes known as a "chick's bike". Spike also doesn't like the standard Sportsters, which have the short 'peanut' style gas tank. Instead, he advises, "get the custom" model, which sports a longer gas tank and spoke wheels.
I had some time to kill this afternoon and stopped by Rider's Motorcycles. Spike and Mike Chretien just happened to be there, helping the owner, Frank, clean some old parts out of storage. Spike asked if I've been getting the emails he's been sending of Sportsters, and it's clear he enjoys searching for bikes, even if they're not for him. I guess he's shopping vicariously through me.
Ken, the 883 is widely know as a "skirtster"! lol